April 3, 2012

Define Blog: What Exactly Is a Blog?

I tried out WordPress recently, even though I love Joomla. WordPress is great for creating an instantaneous blog. Joomla requires a minute bit more work to make a customary seeing blog. This sense caused me to think about what a blog undoubtedly is.

What does the word "blog" mean?

In the strictest sense, blog is a blend, or an apostrophe-less contraction, of the two words "web" and "log."

The web is that pile of software that uses Internet browsers and runs on top of the Internet, which is a bunch of related computers and computer networks. The Internet was originally created by the soldiery and the web was originally created by academics wanting to share knowledge, experimental data, theories, and papers.

A log is a list composed of date and time stamps, activities or observations, and the name of the person responsible for the observation or activity.

So, at a minimum, a web log is a log that is published on the web.

But, in practice, what is a blog?

Blog's have grown from a basic log published on the web to be more. Some features are ordinarily gift on a blog and some are occasionally present. Here is a list of some of the most common features.

Most common features

Reverse chronological order: Most blogs have the latest text at the top and the older stuff at the bottom.

Comments: Most blogs these days have a commenting system in place. Users, or readers, can make comments on the blog entry. Their comments could range from the writer's accuracy to criticizing spelling errors. The comments can also be spam generated by robots. Some commenting systems are moderated, which means the owner of the blog can operate which comments are posted and which are not. Moderation can be used to keep out the spam and spelling wars, but it can also be used to limit expressed viewpoints.

Tags: Most blogs these days use tags as a form of indexing and categorizing. A tag is just a word or phrase. If I write an article called "How to train your ferret to stop nipping toes," I could have several proper tags on the article like "training ferrets," "animal training," and "stop biting." Say I write an additional one article called "How to train your puppy to stop nipping." proper tags for this article would be "training dogs," "animal training," and "stop biting." Readers can look through the tags and click on "animal training." Both the article on ferrets and puppies will come up.

Rss feed: Most blogs have a way for readers to subscribe to the blog. Readers can then entrance the blog through a Rss reader or by email. (Rss stands for undoubtedly easy Syndication.)

Less common features

Archives: Older blog entries can be archived away, and some blogs have an archive readers can hunt through.

Categories: In expanding to tags, blogs can also be organized by categories. With the example above, I could have a category called animals. I could have an additional one category called "possible occupation choices," and an entry in there could have a tag called "animal training." It is feasible for a tag to pull up articles from more than one category.

Multiple bloggers: Some blogging systems allow for complicated bloggers. Writers can have profiles and be grouped into teams.

Define Blog: What Exactly Is a Blog?

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