October 23, 2011

Use More Than the Big crusade Engines and Find All of the Jobs

When most of us think of an online job search, we think of the big job hunt engines like Monster or CareerBuilder. And with good reason, these sites are the undisputed heavyweight of online job searches. They are popular, have high visibility nationwide, and have a huge volume and diversity of job postings. On top of that, most have supplementary job and vocation resources such as sample resumes, job forums, and enterprise research. All of this is also free! for real good reasons to use these sites in your job search.

Wow - sounds great. If these big job hunt websites are so remarkable why would we ever go in any place else? Great question. In fact, plenty of people don't go in any place else. Many a job-seeker will solely pound the big hunt sites daily seeing for matching (or somewhat matching?) jobs. Their whole job hunt is 15 minutes every morning on Monster.com. The upside to this advent is it's very, very easy. The downside to this advent is that it's very, very easy.

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There are thousands of jobs posted on these websites and probably even some matching jobs for your exact search. However, if you only look at one or two websites you're likely missing a ton of great jobs that may be the perfect match for you. Here's why: Employers typically have to pay to post an opening. The likelihood of an owner posting all of their jobs at Monster or CareerBuilder is tiny - in fact it not happening. Instead, they may post a quantum of their high-profile or high-need openings. So, if your 'perfect' job isn't one of them, you won't find it and may rule for a job that's not ideal and be seeing again in a year.

Another issue with the this advent is that because of their popularity, some employers rule not to (directly) post their openings on these sites. Why is that? Well, think about how difficult it is to post for an open position online. It's for real easy. There's no resume or cover letter to print and no stamp to buy. In fact, it's close to free (depending if you want to consist of the cost of getting online - which could also be free at school or a library - or even work). Because of this, it's easy to apply for jobs you're a great match for, but it's just as easy to apply for jobs that you're somewhat a match for, and just as easy to apply for jobs that you have no enterprise applying for. So an owner can be overwhelmed with hundreds or even thousands of applicants and has to sift straight through the resumes to find the true matching applicants.

One of the answers to this is that instead of posting the occasion themselves an owner would work straight through a staffing agency. The downside to the owner in this advent is that they need to pay the agency. The downside to the job-seeker is that you'll likely not know the actual owner for the open position - instead it would be posted under the branch name. The other downside is that, because the owner has to pay again, they probably won't be posting all their openings.

So let's take a look at a concentrate examples. Let's pick a concentrate of employers in the Minneapolis Area and we will use Monster for our tests. We're going to go under the assumption that the best indication of the 'true' amount of jobs they have open are found on their own enterprise website. We believe this is true because there's little cost to them posting all their open positions on their own site.

The first owner we'll look at is general Mills. They're a very familiar Fortune 500 owner headquartered in Minneapolis. On their website, we searched for all open positions in Minneapolis and we returned 26 jobs. Next we went to Monster and searched for the same enterprise in Minneapolis and we found 7 posted jobs.

Let's take a look at a little smaller enterprise - Plato Learning. They build study software and are settled in Bloomington, Mn. On their website they have 5 postings in their Bloomington headquarters. The same hunt on Monster brings back just one of the openings.

Still not convinced? Ok, let's look at a much smaller owner - The Minnesota Historical Society. They are a non-profit assosication that operates several museums and historical sites in Minnesota, many in the Twin Cities Area. On their website, they have 6 open positions. Monster has none of them.

Just a few examples, but they feature the potential pitfalls soley using the big hunt sites.

The bottom line is that these websites are still an perfect reserved supply for your search. Think about it - their goal is for you to use their site to find a job! If their not victorious at this why would employers post jobs with them in the first place? The caution is to still use them but you must also broaden your hunt to consist of newspapers, owner websites, other hunt engines, and networking. Yes - this will take a lot more work on your part. However, a quality, complete job hunt should involve some effort!

Use More Than the Big crusade Engines and Find All of the Jobs

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